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* NBA JAM: Tournament Edition
At the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, press D, R, R, O, T, and L.
Dunk Anywhere:
At the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, press L, R, X, O, O, and X.
At the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, press R, U, D, R, D, and U.
At the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, press U, D, L, R, L, D, and Up.
Quick Hands:
At the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, press L, L, L, L, O, and R.
Max Power:
At the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, press R, R, L, R, X, X, and R.
Big Head:
At the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, press S, X, O, and T. Repeat this sequence 5 times.
Mammoth Head:
At the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, press S, T, O, and X. Repeat this sequence 5 times.
Baby Mode:
At the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, press S, and O. Repeat this sequence 5 times.
Huge Mode:
At the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, press T, and X. Repeat this sequence 5 times.
Shooting Acuracy:
At the "Tonight's Matchup" screen, press U, U, D, D, and T.
Expand Roster:
At the "Team Select" screen, highlight a team, press and hold SELECT and then do two full counter-clockwise rotatations on the joypad.
Hidden Players:
At the initials screen, hold down L1 and R1 and enter one of the following to select a character:
 Initl|   Player   | B-Day    Initl|   Player   | B-Day
 -----+------------+-------   -----+------------+-------
  ADR | Ad Rock    | APR 6     AIR | Air Dog    | JAN 21
  APE | Gorilla    | APR 2     BAA | McHugh     | JUL 12
  BAR | Hutchinson | APR 9     BEN | Benny      | SEP 20
  BIL | Clinton    | JUN 3     BLZ | Blaze      | JAN 14
  CAL | Carlton    | MAR 25    CAT | Catling    | JAN 2
  CHA | Charles    | MAY 4     CHD | Chow Chow  | MAY 5
  CHR | Kirby      | DEC 18    DAN | Weasel     | JAN 2
  DAZ | D Falcus   | AUG 6     DEL | Facime     | OCT 19
  DIV | Divita     | JUL 3     FNK | Thomas     | JAN 8
  FRS | F Prince   | FEB 2     GOR | Gordon     | JUL 3
  GOS | Goskie     | JAN 6     GOW | Brutah     | JUL 17
  GUN | Fumungus   | JAN 11    HEA | Heavy D    | JAN 9
  HIL | H Clinton  | NOV 6     HOG | Hodgeson   | DEC 31
  HOR | Hugo       | JUN 12    JAS | J Falcus   | NOV 16
  JAX | Jax        | MAR 1     JAY | J Moon     | AUG 24
  JAZ | Jazzy Jeff | OCT 9     KUB | Kabuki     | APR 14
  LAR | Bird       | JAN 15    LIP | Liptak     | JAN 14
  LIZ | Max        | AUG 7     M_D | Mike D     | JUL 1
  MCA | MCA        | APR 9     MOE | Moore      | JUN 8
  MUS | Mad Mike   | DEC 24    REN | Renaldo    | FEB 4
  REV | Rivett     | JUL 6     ROB | Gray       | FEB 23
  SAT | Tunnicliff | MAY 7     SAW | Sequoia    | APR 10
  SHY | Shelley    | JUN 8     SNK | Snake      | JUN 15
  STH | Magic Hair | DEC 8     THI | Boo-Boo    | NOV 1
  TOM | Higgins    | FEB 19    TUR | Turmell    | JAN 31
  WAN | Pistol     | JUN 10    WOL | Crunch     | MAR 7
  ZIG | Hill       | APR 7
* NFL Gameday
  BIG.BOYS    - Changes players sizes
  CANNON.ARM  - Increase quarterback's skill
  CRUNCH.TIME - Increase strength of hits
  DEFENSE     - Increase defense's difficulty
  JUICE       - Increase players speed when pressing "X" during play
  MAYHEM      - Increase number of injuries occuring in a game
  OFFENSE     - Increase offense's abilities
  PICK.CITY   - Increase number of interceptions occuring in a game
  SKELETON    - Make players look like skeletons
  STEROIDS    - Increase overall strength of players
  STICKUM     - Increase ability to catch
  URNOTREDE   - Play at highest difficulty

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