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* Crime Crackers (Japanese release)
Animation Select:
At the title screen, press U, U, D, D, L, L, R, R, and SELECT. The "START" option will change to "ANIMATION".
* Criticom
Character Level Codes:
                |    Level    | Completion
   Character    |  2   |  3   | Codes
   Dayton Trent | SIER | ETER | DIRAT
   Delara Zerai | PHAN | KING | DCINO
   Demonica     | GONE | WORL | DANAR
   Exene        | SPHE | WING | ESCIN
   Gorm         | CHAM | MARV | GODNE
   S.I.D.       | ODTH | BATM | SOBRU
   Sonork       | PLAY | CHRO | SSISE
   Yenji        | SPID | STAR | YAHAM
* Cybersled
Five New Sleds:
At the title screen where you see the text "Press Start Button", press U, L, D, R, U, T, U, R, D, L, U, and O. Then after you hear the explosion, go to the character select screen and scroll to the right (beyond the last sled). The screen will slide over and you will have five additional sleds to select from.

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