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Sega's Saturn

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |   | ^ |

* Panzer Dragoon
All of these codes can be combined unless they indicate that they start the game.
Additional Weapons: [codes from the Rec.Games.Video.Sega newsgroup]
This code gives you access to four new weapons. At the "difficulty-start/options" screen press U, X, R, Y, D, Z, L, Y, U, X. If the code works, you will hear a confirmation sound. Then start the game. At the begining of the cinema, holding down one of the following buttons, and keeping it held down until the game starts will give you new weapons:
      Button | Single Shot                  | Locking Shot
        B    | A blue shot weapon with more | Multi-colored shots with
             | power than the regular       | an easier lock on targets
             | weapon.                      | than regular.
        C    | A blue shot weapon with less | Blue colored shots with
             | power than the "B" weapon,   | the easiest lock on targets,
             | but stronger than regular.   | and the most power.
        Y    | A multi-colored shot weapon  | Blue colored shots with
             | that has more power than the | about the same power as
             | "B", "C", or regular weapon. | the regular weapon.
        Z    | An aqua colored shot weapon  | Purple colored shots with
             | that is the most powerful    | better than regular power
             | weapon of the bunch.         | and lock on targets.
buttons can be combined for different weapon arrangements, by pressing two buttons instead of one durring the opening cinema. Valid combinations are (B+Y), (B+Z), (C+Y), or (C+Z).
Episode select: [codes from the Rec.Games.Video.Sega newsgroup]
At the "difficulty-start/options" screen press U, U, D, D, L, R, L, R, X, Y, Z to access a list of all episodes for you to start from. (do this code before other codes since selection will start the game)
Episode 0: [codes from the Rec.Games.Video.Sega newsgroup]
At the "difficulty-start/options" screen press U, U, U, D, D, D, L, R, L, R, L, R, LT, RT to get to this extra episode. In this level, the more enemies you kill the longer you get to live. (do this code before other codes since selection will start the game)
Harrier Mode: [codes from the Rec.Games.Video.Sega newsgroup]
This code will allow you play the game without the dragon visible. First you must set your Saturn's language mode to German (Deutsch), the load the game. At the "difficulty-start/options" screen press U, X, R, X, D, X, L, X, U, Y, Z. If the code works, you will hear a confirmation sound.
Hide "Pause" message: [codes from the Rec.Games.Video.Sega newsgroup]
While paused press X, Y, Z to make the "Pause" message hidden.
Invincibility: [codes from the Rec.Games.Video.Sega newsgroup]
At the "difficulty-start/options" screen press LT, LT, RT, RT, U, D, L, R. If entered correctly, you will hear a confirmation sound, and see "Invincibility Mode" on the screen.
Rolling Mode: [codes from the Rec.Games.Video.Sega newsgroup]
At the "difficulty-start/options" screen press U, R, D, L, U, R, D, L, U, R, D, L, U. Durring game, when you push (U+L)x2 or (U+R)x2 on your controller, you can rotate the screen 360 degrees. If entered correctly, you will hear a confirmation sound, and see "Rolling Mode" on the screen. You can also do roles without this code when your energy bar is in the red.
Wizard Mode: [codes from the Rec.Games.Video.Sega newsgroup]
This code opens "Wizard Mode" without you completing the game on hard difficulty. At the "difficulty-start/options" screen press LT, RT, LT, RT, U, D, U, D, L, R. If the code works, you will get a message telling you so.

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