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Sega's Genesis

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* Tazmania
At the title screen, on both controllers press and hold (A+B+C+START). Then at any point during play, press START to pause the game, press B, then START again to turn on invincibility. To turn invincibiltiy off, press START to pause the game, press A, then START again.
Level Select: [submitted by Ernesto Saldana]
At the title screen, on both controllers press and hold (A+B+C+START). Then at any point during play, press START to pause the game, press C and some numbers will appear on the screen. Press R or L to change the numbers which represent the level desired. Next press START to unpause the game and you will go to the selected level.
* Toe Jam & Earl
Hidden Level:
On the first level in "Fixed World" game mode, while you have either "Icarus Wings", "Inner Tube", or "Rocket Skates" active, go across the water to the bottom left area on your map and you will find an island. Jump through the hole in the middle of this island and you will land in a hidden level where which has a hot tub and lemonade stand. To drink some lemonade, go to the stand and press U. To swim in the hot tub go there and press U as well. Both will restore life. To exit, just jump off the side of the land into space and you will land on Level Two.
* Toe Jam & Earl II: Panic on Funkotron
          Level  3  -  V0JY PVW4 W11-
          Level  5  -  VD08 ZZH5 CET6
          Level  7  -  P0W8 113D FK3F
          Level  9  -  RAFQ Y!F0 98CQ
          Level 11  -  HWJQ 8R4C Y826
          Level 13  -  AHWT YCT! 0K33
          Level 15  -  A!!L Y!TX DHLW
* Toughman Contest
To The Death Mode:
Enter the password "2LT" and select "To The Death Mode" in the "Game Set-Up" menu, for infinite time during fight. The first to get three knock-downs wins.
Stealth Mode:
Enter the password "FQSTER" and select "Stealth Mode" in the "Game Set-Up" menu, to fight Noob Saibot of Toughman Boxing.
Director's Cut:
Enter the password "RUBE" and select "Director's Cut" in the "Game Set-Up" menu, to fight a bleeding headless fighter.
Caffeinated Mode:
Enter the password "HYPER" and select "Caffeinated Mode" in the "Game Set-Up" menu, to play the game at double speed.
Iron Man:
Enter the password "MAXX" and select "Iron Man" in the "Game Set-Up" menu, to take no damage during fights (you still need to get points to win though).
All The Moves:
Enter the password "MRBUCKEYE" and select "All The Moves" in the "Game Set-Up" menu, to be able to throw all of the power punches easily.
Little Napoleon:
Enter the password "WEASEL" and select "Little Napoleon" in the "Game Set-Up" menu, to fight a short enemy that you can only hit with body blows.
Whoop Ass Mode:
Enter the password "SUPERG" and select "Whoop Ass Mode" in the "Game Set-Up" menu, to play at the highest difficulty.
Nuclear Waste Man:
Enter the password "NUCLEAR" and select "Nuclear Waste Man" in the "Game Set-Up" menu, to fight a glowing, radioactive fighter.

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